Sunday, October 14, 2012

Something Funny

So, I was walking a week or so ago, and there was this guym not too weighted down but still substantial... and he said or seemed to like allude to that he was a lean 2-footed dinosaur running in a heard because of the hype over the Ellen ride at Epcot.

I just watched her on Jay Leno, and it was so funny when they toasted at the end that like the goal right now is to be like it was when Titanic came out and that Ellen was the prime suspect against it, since she's from the New Orleans area and not somewhere like L.A., east coast Florida, or maybe NYC.

Also, I know I moved then and Britney Spears became popular.  I was 12.  The clothes were all wrong!  Nothing at all to wear!  I got short and fat and was tall and somewhat thin before.

Also, what's up with the idea that like for instance Helena Bonham Carter is more like Tim Burton than me because they have kids together but aren't married and Ellen DeGeneres is married to a girl but doesn't have kids?

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Who let the dogs out? Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot